2012년 8월 14일 화요일

Kim, Doo Soo / Bohemian (1991)

Kim, Doo Soo 김두수
Bohemian 보헤미안
1991. 04

Disc A
1. 보헤미안 / Bohemian
2. 강변마을 사람들 / People in the Riverside Village
3. 자유로운 마음 / Free Minds
4. 햇빛이 물에 비쳐 반짝일 때 (명상을 위한 소리 Ad-lib)/ When the Sun Shines on the Water (Ad-lib for  meditation)

Disc B
1. The River / 강
2. At the Distance / 멀리서
3. The Secret of Green Barley Field / 청보리밭의 비밀
4. The Shade of a Tree / 나무그늘

Kim Doo Soo is a Korean singer-songwriter who is often referred as Bob Dylan in Korean. In contrast to Hahn Dae-Soo (we have talked about his first album here), Kim Doo Soo has been living in Korea for his lifetime. Even though he has started his career as a folk musician in 80s, when Korean people started to cry out for democracy, his songs do not seem political unlike other folk musicians. Rather, Kim Doo Soo is wandering around in his songs.

It is interesting to see the difference of styles in lyric writing between Hahn Dae-Soo and Kim Doo Soo. As we have talked about, Hahn Dae-Soo has used a variety of metaphors to express yearning for liberty and freedom from the oppression. For instance, in his song "Give Me Water!" (물 좀 주소!), Hahn Dae-Soo repeated says "gimme water" to imply that he wants freedom. On the other hand, Kim Doo Soo does not shout against the paradoxical reality. Rather, Kim Doo Soo contemplates himself and the utopia in his songs, which gives rises to emotional convincement that we need to yearn for peace.

Kim Doo Soo does not shout, nor stands still in this album. Rather, he describes the utopia that our mankind used to be feel ordinary. And that's why Kim Doo Soo's songs are powerful.

(Kim, Doo Soo - 보헤미안 / Bohemian)

Album Cover
Maniadb (http://www.maniadb.com/album.asp?a=100421)

Naver Music (http://music.naver.com/todayMusic/index.nhn?startDate=20080607)
Weiv (http://weiv.cafe24.com/review_view.html?code=album&num=1495, http://www.maniadb.com/album.asp?a=100421)
Maniadb (http://www.maniadb.com/album.asp?a=100421)
Korean Psych (http://www.psychemusic.org/KimDooSoo.html)