2012년 10월 28일 일요일

Jeong Tae-Chun / Ah, Dear the Republic of Korea… (1990)

Jeong Tae-Chun 정태춘
Ah, Dear the Republic of Korea 아, 대한민국
1990. 10

Side A
1. 아, 대한민국… / Ah, Dear the Republic of Korea
2. 떠나는 자들의 서울 / Seoul of Leaving Men
3. 우리들의 죽음 / Our Death
4. 일어나라, 열사여 / Stand Up, Martyr
5. 황토강으로 / To a Loess River

Side B
1. 한여름밤 / Midsummer Night
2. 인사동 / Insa-dong
3. 버섯구름의 노래 / The Song of Mushroom Cloud
4. 형제에게 / To My Brother
5. 그대, 행복한가 / Are Thee Happy
6. 우리들 세상 / Our World

Jeong Tae-Chun is a folk music singer-songwriter who tremendously contributed the freedom of art in the Republic of Korea. Born in 1954, Jeong Tae-Chung started to play music as his brother, who worked in the U.S Forces Korea brought his guitar when he was in elementary school. We actually have introduced his another album here already.

One of the most interesting features of this album is the distribution of the album. Until 1996, all the songs in Korea had been pre-censored by the government committee called "Performance Ethics Commission" (공연윤리위원회) before publishing. Most songs in this album have covered numerous topics related to social issues, which made the council force 
Jeong Tae-Chun to revise or stop publishing his songs. However, he decided to ignore the instructions from the government, and distributed the album illegally. 

This album has created a huge cultural phenomenon, urging other artists to act against the pre-censorship by the government. He has published his subsequent album without permission from the council as well, and other rock artists such as Kang San Ae and Seo Tai Ji participated in similar movements. Consequently, Korea has abolished presensorship on albums in 1996.

Not only in terms of his political affairs with the government, this album has also created a huge influence in terms of the reportage-like style of the songs featured in this album.  Especially, one of his most renowned songs, "Our Death" starts with the recital of Jeong Tae-Chun on the news article about a poor brother and sister who died of fire. Then, the song closes with the imaginative narration of them.

(Jeong Tae-Chun - 우리들의 죽음 / Our Death)

Album Cover
Maniadb (http://www.maniadb.com/album.asp?a=125613)

Naver Music (http://music.naver.com/todayMusic/index.nhn?startDate=20080607)
Weiv (http://weiv.cafe24.com/review_view.html?code=album&num=1463)